Hi again! PJ's back with a host of new pictures.
Some people have asked me whether Kansas has freeways, traffic signals, paved roads, and stuff like that. Hopefully I can now show you that we have all those things...and more!
This is my apartment from my carport's point of view, #1117.

Oh! This is so funny. People in our community love to walk their dogs, but I guess there used to be a problem with owners not picking up after the dog does its deed by the fire hydrants, bushes, stop signs, etc. The city enacted some ordinance requiring dog-walkers to clean up after their pets, or else they'd be fined $25-$250! To make life easier for the community (when has a city ever done that??) they've put up dog poop waste cans in "convenient" places. Take a look....

A view of the street just outside my apartment building. Looks almost as nice as the views from outside my former apartment in Lenexa. Today was somewhat overcast, which limited the amount of sunlight in these pictures...but notice how blue the skies are!

OK, for the non-believers: Kansas has business areas like all the other metropolitan areas. This one is from Overland Park, on College Blvd and Highway 69.

And yes, Kansas has multi-level freeways. Here's an on-ramp to Highway 69.

A bowling alley....

Bank of America, where I just opened a checking account!

Who still thinks Kansas doesn't have paved roads and coordinated traffic signals?? Check this out:

Blockbuster...around the corner!! Still expensive to rent, tho ($4.65 for 2-day new releases, $4.25 for 1-week for everything else).

Here's a food/shopping strip mall across 119th Street from my apartment community. Granite Store is opening soon, and if you look very closely, you'll see Marshall's in full swing. (Click the image for a larger picture)

Black Bob Road, 1 hour before the 5 PM rush. Some of the streets here have interesting names involving colors: Black Bob, Blackfoot, Blue Jacket....

Another view of the Blockbuster store, with my car parked just left of center.

Bally's Total Fitness...get fit! :)

Faraway shot of an Old Navy.

A BIG Borders Bookstore in the back. The place in the foreground, in front of the parked red car, is an Olive Garden. IBMers eat there all the time!

I guess Kansas isn't too bad, right?